Wellness Events & Books

Crystal Healing Talk/Workshop

I love introducing others to the magic and wonder of the mineral world!

I talk about choosing crystals to work in harmony with or transform our own energy. How to decide which crystals are for you and caring for your crystals. I tell stories from my own three decades plus of involvement with crystals. Which gems to wear and crystals within our home environment; and pitfalls to avoid when choosing crystals for ourselves. I demonstrate energy healing with and without an amethyst crystal. The energy of crystals can reverse polarity, an example of this is extra-terrestrial gem Moldavite; remind me to tell you all about this fascinating crystal at the event!


Stress Less Naturally Talk

Dedicated to all those looking to have a fuller, happier experience on this amazing planet of ours.

Slow-Burn Stress is the most damaging kind  and this  builds up gradually over a period of time. I offer 100% natural adjustments in mindset or daily habits resulting in a better experience of life for all of us. 

We will then avoid the negative side of stress, which can lead to issues relating to mental health or indeed serious physical illness. Often with the simplest of changes in routine or approach we not only reduce the ability of stress to affect us, but rather happily free ourselves from the stress of getting stressed in the first place…

Booking Info

My events are highly audience interactive and I welcome questions during my presentation. Events will usually last around an hour. 
I bring along copies of The Magic of Holistic Living and Karma is Quantum Energy for my audiences to buy from me after the event.

For availability and an estimate of cost please email admin@deanfrasercentral.com 

Dean's Wellness Books

Click on the prices to be taken direct to Amazon to buy the paperback; also available online from Waterstones, Barnes & Noble and from most other good bookstores.

The Magic of Holistic Living
 USA $11.99 or UK £9.99

Self-Love is vital; the author simply explains how to achieve this. Amongst holistic knowledge shared is pendulum dowsing, crystals for health, meditation and easily adopted paradigm shifting stress-busting techniques. Covered also are ways to self-heal headaches, injuries and emotional issues. Advice is given on plant-based eating and exercising for maximum enjoyment; with the added bonus of potentially great health as the happy by-product.

Dean Fraser explains numerous holistic health core themes to play forward into our lives; including how we never need diet again and yet maintain our ideal weight.

Paperback 203 pages (2024)

Karma is Quantum Energy
 USA $6.99 or UK £5.99

Karma is not some mysterious Universal force at work that obliges us to go through certain hardships and then we can become a better person. 

The reality is that Karma is totally within our own control. We are the force responsible for our own karmic destiny. Our karmic taskmaster is us! Who could genuinely know what is best for us, other than ourselves?

We are the ones in the driving seat when it comes to karma…this book gives you the keys to unlock your own future through healing your past.

Paperback 102 pages (2015)

© Copyright. All rights reserved.

Dean Fraser fully endorses the work of The Vegan Society, Viva! and Dementia Awareness 

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