Click on the prices to be taken direct to Amazon to buy the paperback; if you would prefer not to deal with Amazon they are also available online from Waterstones, Barnes & Noble and from most other good bookstores. Where available click Audiobook prices to take you direct to Audible; audiobooks are also available from iTunes.
Paperback 100 pages
Audiobook 1 hour 4 mins
Dean Fraser is grateful that he gets to do what he loves the most, which is create beautiful things. He seeks to inspire others and for his legacy to stand the test of time. To be relevant and appreciated in a hundred years, as he is dedicated for his creativity being today. You feel the experience of A Healing For Gaia. May it inspire all who read this book find higher love within themselves; to cherish the precious gift of this incarnation and revere the amazing home we all share – Gaia our Mother Earth.
Can a book really be considered healing? A Healing For Gaia had a lot to live up to with the title! These poetic narratives more than they inspirational or thought provoking. Absorb yourself within these pages and leave the cares of the world behind for a little while PSYCHIC NEWS MAGAZINE. 2018
Paperback 79 pages
Audiobook 55 mins
This collection represents the first time I had no brief when composing poetry, I could basically write whatever I wanted. Oh boy what a freedom to create and did I ever go for it!
That I have performed from Beyond Poetry more often than any of my collections since 2017 when it was published I believe says it all.
Here we have poems celebrating nature, the beauty that is all around when we take the time to notice, folklore is given suitable homage, as are the arts, there are stories lost in the mists of time from our pagan past and multi-layered tales of journeys serving as metaphors for life. Oh and my abstract sense of humour was never too far away either. I love this collection and from my audience reactions, I sense Beyond Poetry doesn't really belong to me anymore, it's for everyone and is all our stories! 2017
Paperback 91 pages
These are poems themed around industry and work. We commence our journey three thousand years ago proceeding on and taking us through that time when everything changed, namely the industrial revolution.
Finally bringing us right up into the present day and how towards the end of the last century through innovations in technology our working life became transformed once more.
Yet above all else this collection sees me telling the stories of work through the lives of ordinary people. Those unsung heroes and heroines who never usually get to share their story. Some of these are long lost in the mists of time and through the power of poetry get to have their life story told at long last! 2014
Paperback 80 pages
Audiobook 57 mins
Poems Less Spoken is a bit of a one-off from Dean Fraser. Anyone who has seen the man live will testify he possesses a silly sense of humour, in Poems Less he really lets rip in his only collection to date that doesn't take itself too seriously and is genuinely laugh out loud funny.
The poet tells of travel not exactly going according to plan and ensuing misadventures, cultural discovery sending him to sleep, how he unwittingly became a very unwilling model, observing city life illuminated on a Friday night by a full moon, getting mistaken for Paul (whoever he might be!) and also a Scottish person, we get a gratis lesson in speaking Croatian and finish off the book with a tongue-firmly-in-cheek film-noir short story.
Eclectic? Oh yes and all the better for this - If you enjoy off-the-wall, hilarious and often downright bizarre poetry, you have arrived at your destination. What are we saying? You don't even need like poetry to enjoy Poems Less! 2018
Paperback 91 pages
Audiobook 1 hour 13 mins
This was my most personal poetry collection to date in 2014, it encompasses the story of my journey of personal growth at the point of penning these poems and creating the ambient electronic music album using the poetry as my lyrics.
I wrote these poems from the perspective that plant-based eating is the only truly ethical choice; we must treasure and protect our beautiful planet; the Law of Attraction is an accepted reality; and what we feel, say and act upon creates the very life we lead.
I feel my role as a poet is to mainly get out of my own way and allow the words to flow through me from my higher self or source. 2014
Paperback 87 pages
Audiobook 1 hour 3 mins
This is a travel book with a difference, this is a poetic journey across two continents, visiting as diverse places as the giant metropolises of Manhattan, Amsterdam and London, right down to the tiny traffic-free Channel Island of Sark!
We explore mystical ancient stone circles in desolate moors, chill in seaside resorts on both sides of the English Channel, stop-off for cultural experiences in New York and closer to the poet's home, his horror at encountering 24 hour party people in Spain and exploring a desert to escape for some peace, meeting an air steward with a story to tell and spending a whole day sitting on a bench by the sea observing people and pondering the meaning of life. 2016
Paperback 191 pages
Over the last three decades, Dean Fraser has become one of the world’s leading advocates of dowsing as a means of connecting to our own intuition and is also a passionate teacher of meditation and holistic lifestyles – PSYCHIC NEWS
Modalities covered include Crystals for Wellness, the Power of Gratitude to transform our lives, learning to trust our inner wisdom through Pendulum Dowsing, developing unshakeable self-confidence using Positive Physiology, Astrology as our blueprint for Wellbeing and Inner Harmony, powerful Meditation Techniques, Self-Healing headaches and Healing for others, natural ways of Coping With Stress, and eating Plant-Based for the Optimum Fitness, living lightly and enjoying our incarnation on our Beautiful Planet. 2024
Paperback 275 pages
A beautiful young entrepreneur by the name of Robyn Humphries calls in Om Darke wanting to know more about the ghosts haunting her pub. The arcane is Darke’s business and he was only to happy to agree. The Spirit’s at Jim’s Bar though is only the beginning, soon the stakes would become far higher!
With Robyn beside him Darke encounters all too real demons in a graveyard at 3am, together they meet a ghostly battalion of Roman Centurions in Canterbury, and Robyn comes face to face with Darke’s doppelganger.
All roads lead them to Scotland, where Darke and Robyn somehow find themselves as the personal guests of the mysteries Count at his thousand year old castle. A castle utterly infested by ghosts. Darke and Robyn cannot leave until they have met them all. Can they ever escape from the castle and The Count or have they really bought the farm this time? 2023
Paperback 219 pages
This is nothing short of awesome! For any person - beginner to the advanced this book is there to guide and advise. It allows you to experience your path. A must-read for any person wanting to learn, grow and awaken! This collection offers you everything you need to become an expert dowser for yourself - ENCHANTED MAGAZINE
I have shown over ten thousand people how to dowse over the last three decades, this book distils all my experience into the one set of covers. If there is one thing my dowsing experience has proved it is that when we are more in harmony with our intuition life will take on unimaginable new meaning, with personal growth becoming more organic with more experience.
Once we learn to trust our intuition, life will take on a whole new meaning and will for sure get interesting in ways you will have to discover for yourself; and a dowsing pendulum is the perfect tool to achieve this! 2021
Paperback 350 pages
Audiobook 5 hours 37 mins
For all seekers of more than a treadmill existence – those looking to have a fuller, happier experience on this amazing planet of ours!
Your truly authentic life might well be hiding right there in plain sight, it frequently is! It’s how we value ourselves, our personal idea of how much our knowledge and uniqueness are worth that determines the results we get from life. We are all capable of way more than we ever imagined possible and all that untapped potential is waiting right there within us ready to be released.
What if it were possible for us to change the way we feel about ourselves? Could we then go on to create a completely different future? It is indeed possible to shape our own destiny and then our life can take an entirely different direction. Through changing our mindset of what is possible from our lives, our future can then be entirely in our own hands to create whatever reality we desire. With often small changes in our daily routine and mindset, we give ourselves an amazing opportunity to enjoy a long and healthy life.
Absorb yourself within these pages. The author is a body language psychologist and runs workshops helping people to live a more auspicious life - PN MAGAZINE. 2020
Paperback 100 pages
Audiobook 1 hour 35 mins
The martial artist who wishes to attain that elusive black belt is sure going to have to put in the hours of toil and sweat to finally arrive at that honour. Any mountain climber will confirm the path to the summit is rarely straightforward. The brilliant musician or artist will have spent many years perfecting their craft.
Yet 99.9% of these people and indeed those in any other field of endeavour, will tell you it is all about the journey. The ultimate outcome is inevitable, and they will be fully aware of that. It is the living in the moment, the satisfaction of perfecting their actions which is its own reward and choosing (and it is always a choice!) to enjoy the path, the journey to their ultimate destination - fulfilling their dream.
This Zen way of looking at life
“It’s all about the journey”
…takes us far
There may well be mistakes made (it’s usually how we grow as people), there may well be some tougher days to endure along the way…yet for all that there will also be those times of amazing achievement and beauty, easily making up for those more challenging times tenfold.
Quite literally all that is needed is a shift in our awareness of what can be possible from life, then consciously choosing the mindset to go out there and make that possibility our reality. This simple choice makes the difference. 2018
Paperback 110 pages
Audiobook 1 hour 8 mins
The sooner more know about The Two Minute De-Stress, the sooner we can bring more peace to this world- MORE TO LIFE MAGAZINE
I do appreciate how fortunate I am, I get to make a difference in the experience others have in their lives. Yet I know in reality what I do is show others the latent potential they always possessed within them but didn’t quite know how to apply in their day-to-day life.
Stress is such a global issue. I had to do something about it. Yet what difference can one person make? Every time I see for myself the transformation someone has undergone through learning how to control their life, rather than events controlling them – I have my answer. And yet I am equally fully aware that all healing is essentially self-healing. In essence I am simply an informed person who guides others to help themselves.
You are why I do what I do. This book is for you and dedicated to you.
Dean Fraser talks about stress free living at health conferences, to businesses, mental health awareness events and educational establishments. 2018
Paperback 110 pages
Can you change your karma? Most definitely YES! The author’s intention with this book is giving you the keys to your future by unlocking any limitations in your past.
Love is quite simply the most powerful creative force, self-healing energy and gift to wellbeing that exists. This book is dedicated to all us seekers of more than a treadmill existence - those looking to have a fuller, happier experience on this amazing planet of ours! - DEAN FRASER
Dean Fraser shows how evolving comes from living, making mistakes which are not really mistakes but learning, walking our talk and sometimes tripping up a few times before we finally get the message about what we need in order to grow - NEW DAWN MAGAZINE. 2015
Paperback 82 pages
Like ourselves, crystals contain energy vibrations within them. Not only does each type of crystal contain energy within its own spectrum, but each individual crystal also contains its very own individual energy signal and aura. Magnify a crystal sufficiently and get down to the atomic level, what you will see are single atoms in motion, surrounded by a lot of space, which is pure energy.
If we are choosing a crystal and feel drawn to a particular one, this is because it is either in harmony with our own energy vibration or it possesses some essential qualities within its energy that will benefit us in some way, to raise our vibrations.
Crystal healers work with this energy by feeling what an individual requires in terms of re-balancing or emotional healing; and choosing a crystal or crystals that will help that person to heal themselves. And now so can you! 2015
Paperback 138 pages
Audiobook 1 hour 56 mins
This book was compiled from over two decades worth of my writing. Some stories come from the columns I contribute for magazines around the world and others are excerpts taken from my own books. Many of these modern-day parables have become stories I use during my live events usually to illustrate points or inspire some action from my audiences.
I really was compelled to write this book! So many audience members have asked me after an event to put together this collection to read these stories in their own time for an turbo boost of motivation when needed. Well frankly, with all that energy heading in my direction I was left with practically no choice in the end, I wrote the book!
All the stories featured on within this book are true. Only names have been changed where needed, to protect those concerned. Although some of these stories have appeared in other forms over the years, there are also a few previously unpublished stories finding their way into print for the first time.
This whole experience of bringing together these stories and editing them into readable grammar to include in this book, all went together to confirm in more clarity than ever - project that right energy, think those great thoughts and we all do always get exactly what we require to grow as people. 2019
© Copyright. All rights reserved.
Dean Fraser fully endorses the work of The Vegan Society, Viva! and Dementia Awareness
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